my boyfriend’s best girl friend.

I haven’t done a book review in ages now. Not ever since The Pact. Truth is, I wanted to read more but I was losing in on my sleep. Once I pop, I can’t really stop and that was real bad for my bad morning moods. So, when I started on this one, I read it slowly. It’s something we can both relate and not relate to at the same time. For the most part, I think I was trying to disassociate my feelings from the emotional elements of the book. That’s probably because I didn’t want to place myself in those shoes of those who hurt because it would hurt too much to even imagine.

It could happen to me, you know. I just hope it doesn’t.

In a relationship, we tend to accept people as they are, as they come. More often than not, we say that love is about acceptance, not change. So, although sometimes you wished that your partner was not or was more of ______________________*insert adjective*, most of us just learn to love the lack of anything we wished they had more of.

Likewise, when we befriend someone, most of the time, we befriend their friends as well. And likewise with boyfriends, we come to accept that they might have friends of our own gender. It’s just a matter of whether they will eventually become our friend… or competitor.

If a girl has to spend a lifetime trying to compete for her husband’s affection, I wouldn’t call that a marriage at all. Especially if she knows that at the back of his mind, he always has his best girlfriend at heart. I wonder what it would feel like to know that your husband feels a lot more comfortable talking about and doing things with his best girlfriend rather than yourself. What’s the point of being the first, when you feel nothing less than the third wheel, eh?

I guess I would have done the same thing Steph did in the story.

But I also pity the Mal and Nova for their lack of expression of their true feelings. I feel like so much time was wasted trying to conceal something that was so obvious to others around them.
My only conclusion is; please say what is on your mind. If you love your best friend as more than a best friend and more than just a friend who is a girl, say it before it is too late.

Once you begin a lie, it becomes more and more difficult to maintain that lie, and it might just be something too much to bear when it is unraveled. Yes, that can happen. Just because you’re his girlfriend, it does not mean that you are his best girl-friend. Doesn’t seem different, but it is, actually.

You may think that the whole plot seems so predictable, but you couldn't be more wrong. There's more to it than it seems.

And you have no idea how much 2 words could change one’s life.
Goodnight, beautiful.


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