korek mata kang.

It’s a lonely and quiet lunch hour. Fridays are always the best of all days. And today, unlike all other days where I crave to go out, I prefer just lazing around the office selling maruku. Or reading a story book, or watch GA or maybe even better; sleep.

My colleagues and I had lunch today at the cafeteria. Actually the cafe is really not all bad, but I guess that’s only when it’s sans the human traffic we have to endure everyday. Like today, it was just bliss.

Apart from the human traffic, there’s another thing which turns me off from going there for food. There’s this tableful of men, sitting at the same spot every single day. Every single time a woman (or even better a group of them) pass by that table to enter the cafĂ©, they would unabashedly cock their heads towards our direction and stare with the innocence of a child, with eyes wide as saucers, staring. Just staring.

It’s very unnerving.

Number one: I don’t get it what they are staring at. I feel like I am in a Malay movie or series where men think that women would instantly fall in love with them when they stare long enough or give that gatal look. I don’t like gatal looks, especially so by strangers.

Number two: I appreciate the staring if it means I’m pretty, but if the stare lasts while I’m walking, until I’ve sat down and while I’m eating my food, I think anyone would start to think that something’s wrong with that person staring (or even worse, themselves!)

Number three: It’s rude to stare, for heavens sakes.

So much for being clad in baju melayu complete with kopiah and songkok. Tak sopan langsung.

(Navee just came to my place and told me that there are only 3 of us in the office at the moment. No wonder it’s so quiet)


Anonymous said…
mari kita korek mata mereka beramai-ramai! hahah

i pon xske org stare2 mcmtuh...very uncomfortable!
Anonymous said…
i know that group! haha.so freakin' annoying. what i usually do is to start staring at them first. and then they dont know where to look.
Haneesa said…
mari korek korek mata mereka bersama ;p

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