Mariah Eggie reporting.

Mariah Eggie reporting from BJ.

Featuring: Becky Minogue, Fara Gollum and Mira Mohanna.

It was T Chal's kenduri doa selamat last night. InsyaAllah, she will leave on the 16th November. Just so you know, T Chal is my mom's younger sister. She has been invited to the holy city of Mekah and Madinah, and I hope that everything goes well for her and Uncle Zai.

Dear readers, please pray for their safety, health and well-being. May they come back with mabrur, insyaAllah.


On a lighter note, last night, was fun in the truest sense. I am so glad I have cousins who are akin to my own siblings. We love each other, fight with each other and make fun of each other like siblings. We also happen to share the love for camwhoring and traveling and making a fool out of ourselves (and loving it) like all the time.

So, though last night was supposed to be a slightly more somber majlis, we managed to make it fun (in our own gila ways), nonetheless. We ate so much until we were bloated. Took so many pictures and laughed so hard at our own inside jokes, we were almost crying.

I ♥ you girls to the max. And thanks to Kamal for being so patient with us. fulfilling our neverending demands to take pictures for us.

Will see you all soon.

Take care Na. Kakak Neesa is just a phone call away when in trouble.

p.s: my head DOES look like a freaking egg.


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