
There was a time earlier this year when I couldn’t stop harping about wanting to take a photo of the sunrise here in Putrajaya. After a while of procrastinating, I thought, “Why should I worry? I work here anyway, I get to see it everyday, so... I can capture that sunrise anytime I want, correct?”


The pinkish tint in the sky laced with golden threads of sunrays is no more. Now, all that is left of the morning sky is a big ball of fire, glaring at me, greeting me as I leave the LDP heading into Putrajaya. Every single day. And I wonder, when will the pinkish blue sky come back? Because I really want a picture of that sunrise. It doesn’t help that the weather has been pretty bleak of late.

And it just dawned on me, that I have been taking the fact that I come to Putrajaya daily, for granted.

As normal human beings, there are many things we all take for granted, the above being just the tip of the iceberg.


As a girlfriend, we often forget that when we put the term boyfriend apart, we get 2 terms, namely: “boy” and “friend”. So in essence, our boyfriends are still our friends, just a little bit more special than the rest. Most girls (sometimes myself not excluded) happen to think that just because someone is their boyfriend, they are entitled to do anything to their boyfriend and he wouldn’t and shouldn’t mind.

Again, incorrect.

I believe that asking whether he is free before barraging him with endless phone calls brings respect unto ourselves. Saying “thank you” after a good hour of venting of whatever problems after a long day at work brings more love. The fact that he is special than the rest reinforces the fact that we must treat them better.

I try not to take my partner for granted because like me, I know that there is only so much that he will and can tolerate. And don’t forget that he’s working as well. Just because he doesn’t tell you of his problems, doesn’t mean there aren’t any, correct?

Yes, correct.


And sometimes, at the office, people "forget" to say “thank you” or give words of praise when one does a good job. People forget that a simple one-liner can make a difference to one’s morale. And when someone feels appreciated, they would always, always go the extra mile for you, just so they make your lives a lot easier. Likewise, if you say something nasty, which is totally unwarranted, people will go all out to make your life miserable.

If you don’t take care of your resources, jangan harap orang nak tolong apa-apa.

Lest we forget, do not take people for granted. You DON'T know what you’ve got until you’ve lost them.


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