Ah, splendid.

Luckily,my mood for work is on the rise. Being away has rejuvenated me in so many ways. Splendid.

What's more splendid? The lady leaves office for 2 days and she gets 3 new assignments on Monday morning! Ah, memang splendid.

Okay, I'm going to go do work now...

But before that, what do you all think about flattery through imitation? I never was the type to appreciate people trying to imitate me, not that there's much to imitate to begin with. But still. For example, if someone copied your blog posts, or wanted to get each piece of clothing you got or wanted your hair or wanted to use the same skin and hair products and wanted to eat at places you ate... and wanted the exact same everything, just because they want to be exactly like you.

I find that totally annoying. Some people say that we should be flattered if people imitate us, but sometimes, too much is just too much, no?

I think people shouldn't do it. It might be flattering (after many afterthoughts) but bottom line is that it's still annoying. Go get your own life, no? No need to copy, paste, imitate others. If the glove doesn't fit, it won't. Fingers can't be put on the treadmill.

Okay, I'm really going to go and do my work now. Bye.


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