old wounds heal longer.

I have only a few pay slips. I think I have only 8 of them; evidence that I have only been working for about 9 months. I haven’t even started working for a year yet but I’ve started not liking people, which is very unlike me, actually.

But you see, when I started working about 8 months back, I was so determined to impress that I did everything in my power which I thought was pleasing to others. Little did I know that my enthusiasm would cause me my first step towards hypertension and bitter memories in my working life.

When I started work, Uncle Julian told me that I am a nice person. “People will take advantage of nice people like you so you make sure they don’t bully you okay.” And true enough, I did get my fair share of bullying. Though the bullying was not in the real sense, as in not physical, etc., to me it still passed of as bullying.

And as a young person (who rarely forgets significant things), that rough patch in my life is something I cannot simply sweep under the carpet and forget. It would be unlikely that I forget all the nasty things said and all the inappropriate treatment because I won’t and most probably can’t do it.

So, forgive me when I smirk and make a face when you call me for an assignment. I do not like you. You have taken advantage of my enthusiasm and misused it to please your whims and fancies. At times, I think you turned me into a gullible, non-arguing assistant whom you don’t need, or wouldn’t need if you did your work better. I am still enthusiastic but I will no longer go all out to please or impress you.

There is a big scar you left here. I’m sorry, but it’s personal. It’s not just business.


Hanim Hani said…
Yupp. It's always personal babe=) jgn ikut kate Trump. haha
Haneesa said…
hahah. of course. it's always personal ye ;p

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