i have a dream.

I’ll bet you a million dollars that every ambitious person would cry in despair when they hear my dreams. Or my lack of it.

But of course, I won’t tell you what my simplistic dreams are. One hint though; it involves me being happy. Oh well, I’ve probably told my secret dream already. See, I told you that I was simplistic.

It’s not that I don’t want to dream of bigger, better things, but I find that more often than not, we’ll be faced with disappointment and heartache when we project our lives too far from the present. It’s okay to do it, but sometimes, it just isn’t healthy.

You can see the light at the end of the tunnel, but to reach it, you’re grappling in the dark all the while. I don’t really see what the point of getting there is if you’re going to suffer too much just to get to an indeterminable end.

I have met people whose lives have been projected way beyond our eyes can see. It’s amazing how they can poof up a dream out of thin air, but that’s as far as my awe goes. Generally, I find that people who project their lives too far forget to enjoy the present. They remember facts, but don’t remember people. And even worse, they are devoid of important emotions.

There’s a piece of yellowing article on my cork note board in my room. I can’t remember which year I tore it out of the newspapers, but I remember the gist of it clearly.

“… While you were busy running to the finish line, you saw people already tired from the run and giving up on the roadsides. Some people stopped to help but you kept on running because all you wanted was to reach the finish line first. And when you reached the finish line, you felt more than alone. In fact, you felt empty. Because the rest of the people in the race with you, either stopped to take a breather or just settled somewhere in between the start and the finish line because that was enough …”

I believe that we should only fight for whatever we have the might to fight for.
Whatever it is that is beyond our control should be left to those with the ultimate powers to decide. And of course, there is the One True one who will always guide you to what’s best.

We should never fight for what’s not meant to be ours. Sometimes, it’s not meant to be. Or sometimes, it’s meant not to be. It’s a variation of words and it’s not the same so think of it.

It’s harder to have then lose; than to never have at all.

Have a nice Monday, people.


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