apa yang penting?


Oh, tidak. Apa yang penting adalah doa. Dan keyakinan dalam doa itu. Keyakinan bahawa jika kita tidak tahu tentang sesuatu, pasti ada yang lebih arif yang akan menunjukkan kita jalan yang benar. Setakat mana kamu percaya dengan Tuhan dan doa adalah personal, betul tu.

Tapi, saya percaya bahawa jika kamu Atheist sekali pun, there would be times when you wished you could turn to someone/something for you to mengadu nasib, etc. Hidup ini tak pernah lekang dari dugaan. As it should be.

Kenapa saya kata begitu? Kerana bagi saya, jika hidup ini dah tiada dugaan, maka Tuhan (Allah bagi saya) tak sayangkan saya lagi. Kerana dengan dugaan sajalah saya dapat pastikan that my feet are always planted firmly on the ground. Jika asyik gembira, pasti ada yang tak kena.

That is my personal opinion, by the way. Mungkin kamu seorang yang sangat amat lucky jika hidup kamu betul-betul tak diduga. Well then, good for you.

Apa pun, saya pasti ada beberapa jenis doa yang akan dimakbulkan. And mind you, this is based on personal experience.

Doa orang teraniaya.
  • I find that jika sesuatu yang rightfully hak kita diambil daripada kita, doa tersebut akan naik tanpa halangan. Be it a specific or a general one. Katakanlah boyfriend kita tipu kita, dan kita boleh agak, tapi kita tak boleh tuduh, then, you just say a doa, and the next thing you know, cermin kereta dia pecah atau dia sakit etc. I'm not saying that this is the best thing to do, tapi there are times when there really isn't anything else you can do apart from pray. Pernah berlaku. And mind you, I didn't have to lift a finger for the other party to get "cash payment" for the kesalahan he did to me.

Doa ibu bapa.
  • I always call my parents when I am stuck. I call them before exams, hence the 6/8 semesters' results. I call them when I don't feel too good about things. My mom especially because it's obvious that I am closer to her. There were times when I just didn't know what to do and all my mom told me to do was to doa. She is an avid believer in doa. Because all of the things which have happened to her came in as a result of doa. Even me. Complete with the lesung pipit and all. Yes. The power of a parent's (or parents') doa.

Doa orang berpuasa.
  • Is said to be one of those doa which goes right up. There are no veils between a fasting person with Allah. There are no barriers. If you have something which you are genuinely concerned about during Ramadan, and you find that so many things are out of your control, doa. Life will be made easy for you, if you believe.

Doa yang dihantar/dibawa ke Mekah.
  • I have been blessed to visit both Holy Cities. I have been blessed to witness my doa makbul. I have sent doa with relatives whom have been called to visit Mekah. I am now witnessing my doa makbul. Alhamdulillah. And to think that they were the simplest doa I could think of at the time.

Semuanya bermula dengan doa. Semua perkara yang baik akan menjadi milik kita jika kita terus berdoa dan terus yakin bahawa sekiranya sesuatu itu memang hak kita, ia akan datang. Kita perlu yakin bahawa sekiranya kita tidak pasti apakah yang terbaik untuk kita, Allah akan tunjukkan jalan itu.

Apa pun yang akan berlaku selepas ini adalah as a result of my doa. Dan saya akan redha kerana apa yang saya inginkan hanyalah perkara yang terbaik untuk saya.

I hope you want that too.

And yes, for the record, I do look like the least qualified person to preach about doa. But trust me, I don't need to wear my religion on my sleeve for me to be a believer in Allah. I may still do all the wrong things in the wrong way, tapi apa yang penting, hati pasti kena baik.


abduls said…
itu boipren saya ke kena? cam tak je?
Haneesa said…
ahhaha. cuak?
saya penah try on you tapi takla sampai pecah kereta awak atau awak jadi sakit ;p. so, to answer that question, no. it is not you that i am referring to. it is that guy who is now in jail serving time :)

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