One plus a quarter of a century for you

Someone turns 26 today. 26 already and you were only 17 when we first met. How fast time flies. I have seen you develop into the man that you are now. From the playboy, to the flirt, to the now more responsible person who is not afraid to commit. But of course, you are pretty much a flirt, still (^_^)

But for whatever it is that you were, are becoming and will be, I wish you well. For everything that you’ve been through and stuck through with every last might in you, I hope that the best things will be yours eventually, for you to keep. For every obstacle you looked at through a rose-tinted glass, you deserve the positive things in life for learning lessons from your mistakes.

Thank you for letting me into a part of your life; to places where no one else knows how and where to enter.

My prayers are always with you.

Don’t flirt so much ah? One year plus quarter of a century already! Flirt with me can. Sila bertaubat ;p


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