breathing lessons.

Finally, the change is final. And my initial reactions to it are… shock and confusion. Not that I am not trying to look at things positively, no, it’s just that some decisions are better not made. And I think that this case is one of it.

I don’t know why I like to get attached to things and people real fast. Though trust is not something I give very easily, bonding (once started) is something I have no problem dealing with. But one thing I know is that I have always hated departures. And this time, it’s tougher than I thought it would be.

I like to name things. I call my car my baby, my cameras Theodore and Pinko and I can’t recall a few other things I name and are deeply attached to. Like my rainbow-coloured bag which has since forever been my trusted travel partner.

And I can say that I am somewhat quite resistant to change, which could be very detrimental if I were to take it to a point of not needing change, let alone not wanting it.

I know I don’t make sense really, but do I really have to make sense?
My head is pounding so loudly against my skull I could cry.
All I want to do now is sleep.
And learn how to breathe a little bit. I really am in need of some breathing lessons. In, out, in out. Please don’t be so uptight.



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