pelamin anganku.

click for larger view.


Tentang perkara ni, saya ada tulis another version, but at that time, saya tidak rasa tenang sebegini. Dan bila hati tak tenang, cara penulisan kita akan terjejas, menyebabkan apa yang ingin kita sampaikan tak sampai dengan cara yang kita inginkan.

Saya tak mahu mengira hari kerana itu menyebabkan perkara-perkara berkenaan dengan perkahwinan menjadi sesuatu yang mengerikan. Tapi, kalau saya tak mengira hari, semua orang akan decide to take it easy sebab saya pun 2 kali 5. Ini wedding saya, jadi saya rasa semua orang nantikan saya untuk jadi the “pushing factor”.

Jadi, saya pun mula mengira hari dan email semua list saya kepada Mama dan Babah, together with my wedding countdown.

My dad started panicking and asked bila kita nak buat card ni? So, I obliged and told them mana tempat-tempat nak buat card. Mama insisted that we go to Pudu sebab kawan dia ada buat card di situ. Saya tahu keadaan Pudu Plaza and Pudu in general sebab dulu pergi la juga jenguk nak beli-beli DSLR. So, agak ngeri untuk bawa Mama ke sana sebab… well, sebab Pudu is Pudu and Mama is Mama.

But nonetheless, we went last Sunday. Turns out that banyak kedai tutup but the main shops like LH Creative and One Card buka. PHEW. Nasib baik. Kalau tak memang kena angkut mereka berdua pergi Jalan Reko lah gayanya.

Thing about my parents (and family) is that they are very involved in this wedding. Anak pertama, cucu pertama, wedding pertama. Memang semua nak ambil port. Bila orang lain dengar, pasti ada yang jealous. Sebab ada juga orang yang tiada siapa heran dia nak kahwin. Tapi bagi orang macam saya yang semua orang interested nak tahu pasal dia punya wedding, sometimes, she just wishes she could make her own decisions.

Walau apa pun, my paramount consideration is everyone’s happiness. Untuk nikah and reception, theme colours pun was not decided by me, but by my Wedding Council (ad hoc). Down to warna hantaran pun Mama macam nak decide. Mesti ada orang rasa kesian dekat saya sekarang, kan? Ke takde? Tapi itulah hakikatnya. Semua orang gets to decide warna apa would look good on them as a family first, baru saya cari baju saya. Risky? Yes. But everyone is happy. I should be too, bukan?

So, kisah mencari baju reception akan bermula next week. Babah akan ikut sebab dia jujur so kalau baju tu tak cantik, he will go like "EWWW" (dalam versi dia sendiri of course). Mak Long akan turut serta dalam expidisi ini sebab dia yang paling pandai bab-bab baju ni. In fact she’s got a treasure chest at home yang lebih hebat dari poket doraemon (Fah jangan marah kita cakap Mummy awak. Dia comel okay ;p). Semua orang dalam family dia dah ada baju kecuali the boys kata Mak Long. Semangat tak? Lagi berapa bulan saya nak kahwin, orang lain semua dah ada baju EXCEPT the bride. HAHAHAHAHA. When I put it that way, rasa kelakar pula.

Masa Raya, T Chal was bugging Mama about pembahagian tugas (peace Na, mummy awak sangat reliable don't know what I'd do without her as well). Mama ni pulak relax selamba kodok. Takut pun ada bila dia relax. Tapi bila dia kalut, lagi serabut sebab tak sudah-sudah membebel. Busu pula tak habis-habis tanya apa nak sponsor? Sponsorship ada had harga dan ada tamat tempoh tau. Kena cepat sebelum Disember dah kena cakap. Adoih.

Kenapa hanya letak Mak Long, T Chal, Busu and Mama walaupun adik-beradik ada 8? Sebab T Chal and Mak Long ada perbezaan pendapat tentang bersanding dan merenjis and Busu paling rapat dengan Mama (kot?). Sama manja macam Adik dengan saya. Anyway, point is, saya decide saya tak mahu direnjis. T Chal menyokong 100% tak perlu merenjis. Kata dia macam meniru adat orang lain. Mak Long kata susah untuk lawan tradition. Mama nampak macam teringin. Kata dia, walau apapun benda tu dinamakan, yang penting ialah tujuan dan niat semua orang. Semua orang teringin nak merenjis kot? I suspect dia pun teringin. PHEW.

Haritu, Babah buat flowchart. Dari mula make-up sampai habis majlis. Pastu ada timeline, pastu ada sound system chart. Dia nak request letak lagu-lagu dia dalam my wedding playlist! He wants it to be enjoyable for his friends as much as it is enjoyable for mine. Hahahahha. Kalau korang dah lama gila tak agaknya? Nasib baik my dad has good taste in songs since he’s the musical one. Kalau tak tak tahu la lagu dondang sayang mana akan tiba-tiba make its way into my list of songs. Band pun Babah nak decide, MC pun sama, kompang pun sama. Kiranya siapa yang akan datang my wedding, jangan la terkejut ada lagu oldies. Kalau nak kutuk pun pelahan-pelahan nanti orang tua tu dengar kecit hati dia. PHEW.

Anyways, berbalik kepada card. Last weekend kami dah pick out a design dah pun. My dad sort of picked it out. Sebab semakin tua dia, semakin fussy. Dia nak tahu semua decisions. Nasib baik taste lebih kurang sama. No frills, clean, simple, practical, cheap. Tapi kalau ikutkan kehendak hati sendiri, the first card I picked out cost RM6. They love me yes, but they are not crazy. So, takkan dibelikan yang itu. Ingat nak pergi tempah this week tapi I requested boleh tak buat next week sebab saya nak pergi kenduri, please please please OMG lama sangat duduk memerap tak berjalan tu yang jadi depressed tulis post panjang tak bermotif ni.

Tahu apa Babah cakap? Dia kata takpa, nanti Babah bawak Mama jalan-jalan kitaorang pergi tempahkan. OMG. PHEW.

So, kesimpulannya, penat bila semua decision semua orang nak masuk campur. Tapi, apa saya boleh buat ialah bersyukur kerana tak ramai parents yang nak redah Pudu untuk pergi buat kad kahwin anak dia. Or ikut sama nak pergi cari baju. And bila muka anak dah tak berapa semenggah tengok harga baju, dia pun swipe card dalam wallet dia lepas tu bila tanya macam mana nak bayar balik dengan muka paling manis boleh menyebabkan diabetes, dia cakap tak apalah, kahwin sekali je.


Semua PHEW ada maksud berlainan dan saya rasa kesemuanya at this point.

Adik & Abang, I need you both HOME, pronto.

Kan dah cakap panjang nak mamps.

Shy to comment? Well, never mind! Your reactions mean the world to me! Make me smile today :)


Alia said…
Kakak darling....

All the best for your preparation.... If u need hands or ears (perhaps) don't hesitate to contact us.... Can't wait for your big day =)
farah said…
awww they r so sweet =) walaupun pening at least u know u have an truckload of ppl who want the best for you =)

kami takde kerja ke? hahaha =)
Ummu Yousuf said…
heyya kakak! this post of yours sooo gave me series of sakit peruts. mine's sooner, but yet you've probably ticked more stuff off your to-do list..

and for me pun, my mom and aunties buat segala.. huhu. i owe them big time. i dont think sempat buat pape sgt if nak tunggu i come bck.. and i guess it's a big deal for me..not much of the prep, but the spending time with my mom.. things'd be different afterwards and..

huu..ok..must not get too emotional on other people's blog ..

and kakak, im soo sorry. haritu i ingat my sponsor nk bagi i till end of march.. then recently they told me only till end of jan. so like i'd probably be catching a flight bck to melb right aft my receptions:( i dont think i can make it to yours!!

sorry kakak:(
me said…
kakak, you have one big wonderful family! i mean that surely comes with the pros and cons la kan :)

but trust me, that being said, memang kerja senang. sbb sometimes kita malas nak fikir about certain things, tgk2 dah settle ;)
Fiza Pushie said…
owh although saket jiwa bila banyak org nak buat decision, but lucky you! i had to do almost EVERYTHING by myself; SOME (not all) relatives came to help only the night before the wedding itself! most only came on the day itself! my parents helped getting the dj, kompang, food for solemnization ceremony, souvenir and bilik pengantin je. not only that, i am currently owing my parents for every penny spent on the wedding! and owh i swear i will try giving birth to as many kids as possible so that when they get married, there'll be enough people to help.

anyway, enough about me. you take care! although saket jiwa, but try cherishing the moment. you have such a great family; they make you crazy, but the love you. and plus, after kawin, mesti terasa nak buat wedding balik just because you'll miss the crazy feeling during the preparation.

good luck!
Haneesa said…
aera: thanks dear :) futsal sessions are good enough for me :)

adlin: yes, they are sweet like that tapi at the same time !@#$%^&*( hahahaha. biasa la. i think you know ;) (nanti i tanya mama anything you guys can help if you guys are willing k!) ;)

tmc: i know about that spending time bit. i think i almost all the time overlook that part. tapi sebenarnya, i think more than anything, i am a little bit in denial that things are not going to be the same. sedeh kamu tak dapat datang mine :((( tapi takpela takde rezeki. for yours jgn lupa invite k! lama sangat tak jumpa :)

tasha: yes, it's wonderful that i have a great big family. tapi iye, the downside is that everyone is opinionated and everyone pon excited! ahhaha. but yes, having enthusiastic parents lets you goyang kaki a bit :)

pushie: i am sure i will miss these times yang i google everything every single day. ehehhe. i am every bit thankful that my parents are up and running and healthy, alhamdulillah.

thanks for the good lucks and well wishes. i am going to need them :)
OMG. My parents are like that too except that they want things this way that way but I'm the one who's forking out the money! No mercy ok! They said I'm big enough to fund my own wedding. They want me to learn and appreciate the marriage later because easy come, easy go they say. And nobody wants to sponsor because my relatives always have this thinking that I have big bucks. *sighs*

But it's okay, not that I am hoping or seeking for something like that though. Grateful with what I have. :) So I must say, you are very lucky indeed! Don't sweat too much on it. Enjoy it because at the end of the day, what matters is you and your partner will become legal to each other. The rest of the things are just secondary :)
Haneesa said…
TSS: i do feel lucky that alot of the funding is assisted! phew. if not, i seriously do not know what to do. good luck to you! i'm sure you'll do fine :)
Rabieka Aliya said…

Gah, I really can't wait. Things would be different though. No more sleepovers anytime we want. UNLESS! if you can persuade Abang Abdul to let us barge in anytime :P You know what they say 'You're not just married to the girl, you're married to the whole family'

Just kidding Abang Abdul :)

Kak Neesa, if you need help I.E carrying hantarans, teman with anything, you know you can call us anytime :)
Haneesa said…

I am so excited toooo! ahahha Boleh takkk??

I'm sure he'll let you girls come over to our place ;)

Kan Mister kan kan?

(haha, he's in Kuantan so it'll be a while before he reads this!)

Yes, I will be needing all the hands soon! Bring me out! I need to get out and get some fresh air pleaseeeeeee ;)
dumdum said…
:) sakit perut i baca post u nie hahaha..konfem i pon pening kot kalau jadi u,except for all the sponsor part tu lah kann HAHA..i punya kes pulak sama dengan TSS..lagilaahhh pening!! T__T
Haneesa said…
chenta: yes, yes. masa i baca ni i sendiri pon saket perutt! i noticed you linked me! thanks for dropping by! and good luck for your preparations :)

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