Reasons to do less

I’m writing this today because I am convinced that ample research have been done to substantiate such finding and that’s why they have been repeatedly featured in various copies of Reader’s Digest. So far, on my count, 3 copies (coming from previous years and recent ones) show that multi-taskers actually have very little to be proud of.

We (women) pride ourselves in how our mind is able to branch itself out automatically. With every marriage, birth and growth of our family and children, the more we use our brain. When we go to work, there are at least a thousand things already running in our head the moment we ignite the engine. And I’m not saying that it’s an entirely bad thing, no. Because someone has GOT TO multitask if we want the job done.

For example, if you are a bride-to-be, no one is going to think about your dress, make-up and photographer BUT YOURSELF. And when you are pregnant, you are tabbing your kid’s milestones and thinking about the vitamins that you are going to take and about whether or not you want to go for epidural or whether you want a C-Sect or natural birth. And even when in pain, you’re thinking about whether or not you’ve got enough things inside your hospital bag just in case the baby decides to pop early. All this when you’re driving, at work, while eating and while doing everything else. We always find a time “in-between”. We love to do that.

See. I’m not even any of the things I mentioned above and I know this by just reading other people’s blogs. So, in the end, I think that it’s okay for women to multitask in that sense. Someone’s got to do it.

But what I’m more concerned about is when we multitask too much at work.

Sure, so much more gets done in the office when we multitask. In a way, it makes us a rounder person (bukan di pipi saja) kind of person. But then, have you ever thought why Donald Trump is so rich? Because he focuses on the things he does and puts his energy in things he likes. Business is his game and property, his first love.

Where we are now, there’s no way we can do that. Or maybe, it’s just where I am that I’m not able to really specialize. Because there are so many other things which bother my train of thought. Like when I’m really immersed in writing my opinion and the phone rings more than 3 times in a morning, telling me to do 6 different things.

Then, when I finally get back to the task I was doing earlier, my momentum has been broken. I can no longer remember what it was I last thought and don’t even start me with my mood or my lack of if.

And at the end of the day, the more petty things which come in between gets done and the bigger things are left in a corner while we get every other little thing done. And this exhausts us because we have to keep on going back to square one since we’ve already forgotten our train of thought.

So, in my personal opinion, multitasking in this sense is not really healthy. In fact, it’s not healthy AT ALL. People will remember you for being the one with the most projects, etc. but what’s the point when at the end of the day, you’re the jack of all trades and master of none.

Such a waste.

Shy to comment? Well, never mind! Your reactions mean the world to me! Make me smile today :)


shueyshoelove said…
"For example, if you are a bride-to-be, no one is going to think about your dress, make-up and photographer BUT YOURSELF." that is the annoying part. self criticism is the WORST!!! hate.self.mode!
Haneesa said…
tapi if you tak prepare sendiri, will you really be satisfied with yourself. mesti tak kan? soooo, adalah tak apa bagi you multitask in this respect ;p

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