Well, hello there Sunshine.

Relationships affect us in many, many ways. Sometimes, they affect us more than we want or ever intended for them to. We are all guilty of this, no matter how we tell ourselves that we are an exception. We are never spared of the changes/effects relationships bring. And IT’S OKAY because everyone goes through the same motions.

The only thing we (women) have got left to ourselves is our dignity. Though in this time and age, even the word dignity itself has a whole subjective meaning of its own. But that still shouldn’t stop us from acting in a dignified manner if something/someone affects us so much until it hurts. It’s okay to hurt because again, everyone goes through the same motions. It’s only normal for us to cry when someone hurts us – what’s important is that we don’t hurt ourselves more.

And the only way to do that is by finding who we are and what makes us feel good. Dealing with heartache is something which has no standard manual to it. There is no “Heartache for Dummies” (or is there?) for you to run to every time you think your heart has healed, only to realise that it is breaking into tiny smithereens yet again. It’s trial and error. EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. And much as it hurts, I believe it makes us stronger in some way.

With only one condition though – each time our heart breaks, we have to go to the root of the problem and at least attempt to solve it. According to your own way. No one is the same no matter how similar our circumstances are. No one can tell the other how to solve their problem just because it worked for them. Because what may work for A may not work for B. And with each attempt, there will be self-discovery. And with discovery, comes out the truth. And with truth comes respect and trust. And with that, love is born. And the best thing is that love will be a love more magnanimous than the others – a love for ourselves.

Only when we love ourselves will anyone else in this world learn how to love us. Our public display of love towards ourselves will empower and attract people to love us in return. (just make sure you don’t get to a point where it appears chauvinistic. total turn off)

It’s not easy – it was never intended to be. Sometimes, there are people who move on more quickly than the rest, but does that really mean they have really stopped hurting? Not necessarily so. Moving on just happens to be the way they deal because they know it hurts us. People can be morbid like that, oh yes they can be

Point is, it will all get better in time. Even if at this point in time, you don’t really know what to do.

Promise yourself to be your own Sunshine.

(caveat - it's never easy and so I said so. if it were me in those shoes, I would have a tougher time because that's just who I am)

On another (unrelated) note:

Happy birthday, old boy!

May we have many more happy years, insyaAllah...

Shy to comment? Well, never mind! Your reactions mean the world to me! Make me smile today :)


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