(mis) interpretations.

Today, I woke up thinking of how I should interpret someone else's piece of mind. It has become increasingly easy to misinterpret an opinion and to become so unnecessarily offended. Especially when you know that the most part of the other person's thought might just be true. The truth is, no one likes to hear the truth. The first root of all problems.

If we don't keep our heads level, we are bound to blow things out of proportion, no? If we don't want to admit our wrongs, we're bound to lash out and push the ball back into the other person's court and put all the blame on them, no?

So, I decided to keep my head up and think. I knew I had to think hard and deep. And go to the very root of the problem so that I don't end up not admitting my mistake AND lashing back, when it was obvious that there was only one reason to it.

And it worked. It resolved. Sort of, anyways.

For some, it may seem like I "swept the entire thing" under the carpet. Like I didn't deal with it. But truth is, in my eyes, I dealt with it. That IS the way I deal with it. So I appreciate if people didn't tell me that it's wrong, because one man's poison is another's cure, vice versa.

On another note, I had a sweet albeit relatively naughty urge today. I thought, "it would be so nice if...".

All in good time.

And no one was meant to understand this post, really. Because it doesn't actually relate to anything that you know, or don't know.

And believe it or not, I actually had a good day :) A very, very good one.

Shy to comment? Well, never mind! Your reactions mean the world to me! Make me smile today :)


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