Don’t rain on my parade
“Cakap itu doa. Jadi cakap yang baik-baik saja.”
I don’t know why I am writing this or why this issue is bothering me to begin with. To be honest, I am very seldom bothered or perturbed by people’s comments. People can comment ‘til the cows come home and I still won’t pay heed if I think I don’t have to.
But for some reason, I am... affected.
Let’s see.
Apart from the very bad first 4 months of my pregnancy, this pregnancy has actually been quite an easy one for me (so far), Alhamdulillah. I’ve still got the white sticker stuck to my buku merah (more on that later), which is indication that I am healthy and have a low-risk pregnancy, and though I can’t fit into my jeans anymore, I can still fit into my old clothes, I think I look healthy and I am generally very happy.
So, yes. This pregnancy is a good one for me.
When people see this, people always tell me,
“Kalau pregnancy senang, nanti nak beranak mesti susah.”
“Ala, second trimester memang macamtu. Tengoklah nanti third trimester. Macam-macam penyakit datang.”
“Eh you tak gain weight banyak kan? Tengoklah nanti lepas 6 bulan, naik mendadak badan sampai gemuk.”
“Sekarang craving benda sihat lah, nanti datang angin nak benda pelik-pelik baru tau.”
“Kalau baby nampak sihat physically, tak tentu lagi dia tu sihat dalaman.”
Thing is this – my being healthy and happy is a conscious effort. Do you think that I don’t work on being healthy and maintaining a healthy weight gain? Did you all think that I was just lucky? No, I am not. Like I said, it’s a conscious effort.
I watch what I eat. I curb my sweet tooth cravings, and where I just can’t, I indulge. But I balance it out. I drink plenty of plain water. Oh, and believe it or not, I actually consciously think and plan what I wear and how I look. I find that (for this pregnancy at least) the theory that carrying a boy means malas berhias etc. is ridiculous. If you want to look nice, then, consciously make an effort to look nice lah ye tak?
And most importantly, I understand that each pregnancy, even for the same woman is different. And this time round, I just happen to be able to control most things after the first trimester, so I do. I am just taking advantage of my own good circumstances. It’s not so much about the luck, but a lot about the good luck I attract onto myself.
And as for my baby, I PRAY to Allah every single day that he be granted “akal fikiran dan tubuh badan yang sempurna” and “kemurahan rezeki yang berpanjangan”.
I was taught by my Mom that we should not be afraid to ask from Allah because if we want something bad enough and it is good for us, Allah will give it to us. We just have to help ourselves first. And so, I am helping myself and helping my baby stay healthy and be healthy by my conscious efforts and my constant doa.
So, beats me why people love to rain on other people’s parade.
Isn't it good that I am healthy? That I am not causing trouble or being a nuisance to anyone?
Pisses me off like crazy.
Can’t everyone just be happy and say “Alhamdulillah” instead.
Seriously, cakap itu kan doa. Jadi, cakap benda-benda yang elok saja. BOLEH TAK?
Just had to get this off my chest.
Shy to comment? Well, never mind! Your reactions mean the world to me! Make me smile today :)
one more thing, i hate when people keep on complaining bout others.... as if die je yg btol....
p/s: i become like a stalker to your blog... ehehe
those people with those harsh words memang wujud,tak kesah la kat mana2,diaorang ni tak akan senang dengan orang lain punya happiness.ada je benda nak cari pasal.just ignore them.
take care of yourself and your little baby ;)
diya: never too late and thanks for your kind words! :)