the consequences of ringing yourself.

**quick update. this is the first day out of 3 that they allow us full and unlimited access to the internet. fuh. think i'm gonna be back for more**

These days, people like to ring themselves. Couples like to buy "couple rings" to "mark" themselves. And even if they didn't buy couple rings, they'd wear rings just because. I've never really been one of those people. I've always believed that ring-wearing should be reserved for special purposes. Not that I have anything against people who wear rings for no real reason, of course, it's just my personal opinion, that's all.

Only off late, I've been wearing one. Not many people know why nor do they bother to ask. But one person asked me whether I was engaged. And I told her that I wasn't, because that's the truth. I've just become one of those people who rings herself, just because. After all, the ring I'm wearing is a really nice one, so I'm thinking... why not?

I'm finding the "ring-engaged" connection funny. Why? Because when you take your phone and key in your own number and punch the "Call" button, you'd get an engaged tone from the other side of the line.

Don't believe me? Try.

Still don't get it? Come on, as lame as that lame joke was, I know you're better than that.

But, that rule does not apply to me. If I ring myself, my other phone rings.

I have 2 numbers, so yeah, I'm not engaged. Haha.

Shy to comment? Well, never mind! Your reactions mean the world to me! Make me smile today :)


me said…
you're so cute lah! haha
Haneesa said…
hahahaha ;)

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