Turning 23

And so yesterday came and left, and today is coming to an end, too. But I’d have to say that these past 2 days have by far been the best yet. I can’t even start to express how grateful I am to everyone and everything. It seemed like fate was just leaning more on my side making these 2 days ones which I cannot even start to deduce into words.

Thank you for all the wishes; to those who just popped their heads at the door just to wish me. Thank you to Hadi for singing a birthday song in the corridors every time he passed by my class and every time he saw me walking (or running everywhere and to anywhere). Thank you for those who messaged and called to just tell me they remembered me. Thanks to Fai for downloading Que Sera, Sera for me because I really badly wanted the song. Thanks to my firm mates for gathering our friends together for an outing to celebrate my day. Thank you to them too, for the very, very beautiful cake which I did not have the heart to cut in the beginning. Thank you to my friends who spent last evening with me. Thanks to Lee for the wonderful birthday present; he managed to make me look pretty in the photos though I’m really not.

Thanks to my classmates for buying a cake for the February babies and one January baby and surprising us this evening. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. I cannot thank everyone enough and I hope I have not forgotten to mention anyone. These people make growing old something to look forward to.


AkuSukaBelog said…
tell me when will you be mine? tell me Quando, Quando, Quando....

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