That stands for, Nescafe Addict Non-Anonymous.

For a week during this blissful holiday, I was sick. I am very seldom sick, which makes every sick moment of my life very, very sickening. I guess it accumulates to once a year or two years that when I’m sick, it’s really, really bad.

When I was sick, I couldn’t take solids, naturally and I also couldn’t stand any dairies because if I consumed them, I would be waiting at my toilet bowl for something to come out of either end of my body. And yes, I am aware of how disgusting that sounds, but I really don’t have any other better or subtle way of putting it into words.

Because I couldn’t stand dairies, the only source of caffeine that I got was from thick, no-sugar tea. And trust me, teas should not be classified as caffeine because it does not give me the jolt that I need to start my day, and with no sugar, I might as well eat bitter gourd. But I lived on it for a week or so, so that I would get well.

While I was sick, I realized my dependency on the caffeine we all know by the name of Nescafe. Yes, Nescafe, not Indocafe or Aik Cheong or anything else because the latter make me sicker since it makes me constipate.

So, anyhow, when I didn’t take Nescafe, I felt weak, my joints were aching, my back was especially weak, I couldn’t sit straight, I could barely stand up and at some point, I was sweating like a pig, only my sweat was damn cold (okay so maybe I was the one who was cold, but what the hell). And every time I ate something or more specifically attempted to drink Nescafe, I wasn’t able to hold it down.

Realizing what a terrible effect it had on me, I stopped taking Nescafe altogether even after I was well, and resorted to teas of all kinds and Milo and sometimes Horlicks. Though it did help, it still didn’t give me the desired effect, which is the very necessary jolt to start my day.

So, I sometimes still took my Nescafe, and I think today is the 2nd time in 4 weeks since I was sick that I am drinking it. So, why is it that instead of giving me this JOLT, it is giving me a freaking tummyache?

Am I allergic to it now, or what? The moment I consume it, I purge it. It’s ridiculous, isn’t it? I can’t quit coffee now. I mean, I’m like THE addict, how the hell am I supposed to quit when the semester’s starting and I need more than just a jolt to start my day. I might probably even need painkillers.

Okay, so now, I’m embarrassed to be telling you of my bowel and potty problems, but since I’ve typed this out anyways and my blog is in dire need of some update, I’ll post this. Sorry if I’ve disgusted anything or anyone. Long live, coffee! Stop giving me problems.


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