3 January 2023


Has it really been that long since I last updated this space? 

Yes, it has. 

Truth is, there are so many unpublished posts in my tray, but I somehow never found the motivation or need to post them. And it's not that I'm silent just in this space here, I can't be found updating much anywhere else either. 

Over the years, I've  discovered that keeping most of my life under covers has helped me stay in my lane. That, plus the fact that people generally ruin beautiful things-- which I definitely could do without. 

But here I am today, simply because it is a nice date. And simply because I wanted to note what a wonderfully fulfilling year 2022 was. 

The biggest highlight of 2022 was that on 4th of July 2022, my husband and I both left for Hajj, Alhamdulillah. 

So technically, this is the 6th month anniversary since. 

Even if it has been 6 months since, I don't think I ever got over missing the whole Hajj experience. I once read a friend's description about seeing the Kaabah for the first time-- and she said that the feeling is not something that can be explained, only experienced. 

And I thought, that that was the most apt description of what I've been feeling about my whole Hajj experience. 

It truly was an exceptionally life-changing time like no other. 

I plan to pen down my experiences in this blog (if time permits) because it was through others' blogs that I learned so many things leading to my Hajj. That, plus I'd like to be able to look back and think of all the wonderful times we had while hoping that others would be able to benefit from them too.

But for now, I think this photo would suffice for now. Rindu. Always.

Mabit in Mudzalifah


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