tell me, will you stay. or will you run away?

This MCO has brought out the best, and worst in all of us.

It has shown us true colours - that of others', and of our own.

It has seen some being frustrated by unmet expectations; some of which were unrealistic to begin with.

It has also seen those unable to meet those (unrealistic) expectations beat themselves up for their failure to live up.

This is a hard time for alot of us, even for some of us (like me) who have found a rhythm they can live with.

Because this MCO has seen some of us being asked to fend for ourselves - for us to think of the best way forward - for us to choose, between important things in our lives, some of which were never on the same pedestal of importance to begin with.

How does one prioritise? How does one choose? How does one drop one thing, and hold on to another, when business is expected to be run as usual, although the circumstances are a far cry from the usual.

Everything seems unusual. And I don't think we'll come out of this the same.


Jude Wagner said…
Hii great reading your blog

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