of inventions.

copied from and credits to: http://www.daylife.com/photo/06hz5LG7xK1rI

A few weeks back, there was this question being toyed around the radio; “what do you think is the worst invention?” and I thought; payung lipat-lipat. You know that umbrella, not the Mary Poppins umbrella, but those which you can fold and put in your handbag type. Yes. Back then, I thought those were the worst inventions for the very reason that they are mostly dysfunctional even before they could function.

On a sunny (not very windy) day, I would agree that it helps to keep our complexion safe, but try using it on a rainy (very windy) evening and you’ll get what I mean. It’s horrible when you’re seeking protection from something and the only thing it offers is a whole basket of humiliation because it protects the sky more than the skin.

But then, after much thought, I think the worst invention might actually be the weighing scale.

I think I’ve always had issues regardless of how small I am, but the scale really just adds insult to injury. I even paid 20 sen just to make sure.

Okay, I know I’m not fat, just chubbier (a bit) on the cheeks, which, to begin with is ultimately inevitable.

Please be angry and knock some sense in me now. Thanks.

What’s your worst invention?


Rabieka Aliya said…
Kak neesa, you are soo unbelievably skinny! not chubby at all. Dah tgk gambar dkt farah's blog? 2005. HAHA
Haneesa said…
ahahahahahah :))
i saw that pic and we were all unbelievably hideous? (chewwah macam skarang ni cantik sangat ;p )

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