Malaysia decides
Today marks Malaysia’s 14th general election (I think) and since the election fever is on, I thought I’d jump on the bandwagon and contribute my own 2 cents, whatever the outcome would be at the end of this post.
You see, I’ve never been passionate about politics. I’ve never cared about it nor given it much thought but that could be because I don’t quite understand the workings of politics and now that I am older, I don’t like the workings of it. (and this is from whatever little I understand about politics)
That fact alone might disentitleme to make a fair comment of the political scene in Malaysia, or anywhere else for the matter. But I think I’ll still put my 2 cents in, regardless that it might, just might be baseless in the end.
I didn’t register to vote and so, this time round, many have questioned me as to why I’m not fulfilling my obligation as a responsible Malaysian citizen. Many have questioned me as to where I would and might be if the government did not exist. They ask me of the scholarship I receive every semester and also of the university which I attend, which by the way is extremely highly subsidised.
These questions make me feel ungrateful, yes. But it doesn’t make me want to vote for anyone or anything. I’ve been told to come out of my state of oblivion and make a choice, whatever that choice is. But with the current situation, what with the Lingam case and the rallies that have been taking place throughout last year and this year, I’m beginning to agree with those demonstrators; that they may have a valid cause after all.
No, I do not condone rallying because it causes traffic jam and makes it hell just to reach home. I don’t like it for the reason that it makes me feel unsafe in a country which is supposedly one of the safest and peaceful in the world. No, I do not like those who choose to take their proposals to the streets as there are more civil ways of doing things.
The thing is, sometimes, I just get it. I get it why they campaign illegally. I get it why they scream and shout (though I must admit that some just join for the fun of it, not knowing what the real cause is) and demand that the Government listen.
I understand because for years now, I have been shouting through the proper avenue that my fees are almost RM 500 per semester so please give us an increment (because they currently give RM 200 for fees). I’ve had to fork out my own money for the many books I have to buy because they give us a measly RM280 for the entire semester. Do you know how many books I can get with that amount of money; approximately 2 ½ books, which is not even half of the amount of law books which I consume (or which consumes me) per semester. And I tell you that I have been shouting through the proper way, to no avail. (but for this semester... come to think of it, no wonder, it’s election this year)
So, you see, I get it why people get frustrated. I know it’s wrong of me to not really like the political scenario (I dare not say what I really mean). I know I am at a heavily subsidised institution. I am aware that I am funded by the Government no matter how measly the amount. But I also work my bum out and get good grades. I also sacrifice my time and space and money to become a good student. I hardly cause problems which is a big plus point since I don’t use the company’s resources to waste. And most importantly, I know I’ll be able to contribute to the country by working hard, if not making a difference.
Point is, regardless of the fact that I am subsidised, it does not make it an obligation for me to vote (for anyone) just because. It’s because I am not lacking in merit. I work hard for whatever I want and everything I have is because I earned it. I’ve never wiggled my way through dirty paths to get good grades; Malaysians don’t lie about grades. I’ve always been a hard worker.
So, I still look in detest at the campaign advertisements which I must say are a tad bit overrated. I’d have to say that I hate the fact that they are leaning on what our forefathers have done for the country to make them look better. Hey, show what you can do and stop showing what our forefathers did. That was their contribution and they truly are to be saluted for the sacrifices they made for the country. But the present “fathers”; show us if you’ve done the same and if you would do the same. Stop hiding behind the glory of others. Earn that respect the same way I earned my way up.
Then, one day, when things are different or when I can make that difference, I’d probably make the time or take the time to vote and make choice of my own.
There... my own 2 cents. Decide Malaysia. For my sake (and the rest of us degil citizens who don’t want to vote), that is.